Thursday, November 27, 2008

Derma = Donate...

I'm blog visiting just now. After posting a comment on NinG's WinK WinK blog, i then proceed to the word verification.

To my surprise, the word "derma" appear which means donate in Malay.
Walao, asking me to donate after posting coment.
I give out something (comment) and in return asking me for money.
Why using the same concept as public washroom... -.-lll

Click on the pic to see what i write on the "word verification" box... =p

Next time i check the word verification first before posting any comment... T__T

P/S : Aiya, i know i'm making a big matter out of this... Haha!!!


Ning said...

wooopsy i saw a nice blog link thr =P so how much u gonna derma? wheeehaha =D

vincent2903 said...

waseh, praise ownself blog... =p

i "derma" my attention to visit ur blog everyday... ^^

Deal or no deal??? Wahahaha!!!

Ning said...

okey dokey la! then deal la muahahahah =D

vincent2903 said...

YES!!! Ning, u made a good choice... Wahahaha!!! ^^

Carrie Tai said...


Thanks for making my day brighter

vincent2903 said...

its my pleasure, carrie ^^

Anonymous said...

Haha, I got one weird word verification too!

Check it out here!


vincent2903 said...

my mind is clean hahaha lol!!! =p