Finally i can post pictures already... What a relief...
So, here's the
Pulau Perhentian trip that i promised you all...
Inside the bus heading to Terengganu...

Upon reaching there, we had our breakfast while waiting for our boat to Pulau Perhentian...
Even managed to pose a bit for the camera...

All looking orangie with the life jacket inside the motorboat...

At Last!!! Arrived!!!
We stay in Fauna Beach Chalet in Perhentian...

Here's some of the scenery... Simply Beautiful and Amazing...

Among the main activities of our group is to bury people in the sand...
Starting with me~~~

Follow by Yoke Mun...

And even my roommate, Ah Hean also kena buried...

Besides burying people, playing sand its also the main activities...
All activities is like child's play... Haha!!!

Everybody enjoying and playing at the beach...

The Sand Kingdom!!! Wahahaha!!!
It's all mine and i'm the King!!! Muahahaha!!!
Syok sendiri and damn perasan as always...

Me and
Alex riding the
giant turtle heading to
Heaven... Haha!!!

Me and Mr Crab a.k.a Mr Crap... =p

We also went to Pulau Redang...
Hey!!! Its More More Tea...

Nice group pic in the crystal clear sea...

Group pic again before jungle tracking in Pulau Perhentian...

And off we go!!! Spirit burning 200%

Even do a bit of publicity for our Uni...

Hey guys!!! Don't do this kind of stuff in public place...

The even have taxi in the island... Taxi motorboat...

And again, group pic before going snorkeling...

Even in the water have to take group pic...
What i have to say, all my classmate is addicted to be in front of the camera...Haha!!!

Thats me!!! Addicted too...

There are many, many, many fishes in the sea...
All around us... They'll come finding for u if u have bread in hand...

Argh!!! I don't want this eel to come find me!!!

Yes, yes!!! Taking group pics is also part of our main activities...

That's all the pics for the Pulau Perhentian trips..
Before heading back, we stop by at Kota Bahru...
Does this Sleeping Buddha looks like the one in Penang... =)

I sounded the big gong-drum and the dragons are flying in the sky and two modern princess came out dancing happily~~~

The big wishing tree that house many,many, many peoples wishes...

My friends also not gonna miss the fun and write their wishes too...

That's all the pics for now... Now i wish that i can live happily and stay healthy forever..
And also to be employed... Hahaha!!!